Thursday, October 30, 2014

There's an app for that?

I'm linking up [again] with Teaching Trio's Technology Thursday!

Do you ever wish all websites would jump on the App wagon and turn their amazing content into an easy-to-use-on-the-iPad-app?  Well, not every company has gone this route, yet their website is still functional (and effective) to use in your classroom.  Rather than having students remember to input a long web address, did you know you can create a 'button' on the iPad that takes them directly there?

Open Safari and go to any website you want students to visit regularly.  One of my favorites from my classroom was (no, xtramath doesn't pay me to say this.  I really used this in my room to help students solidify their basic calculation skills.  Best of all - its free!).

To the left of the web address bar you see a tiny square with an arrow pointing up.  Tap this square, and you are given options.  Among those options are 'Add to Home Screen'.  Touch this option.

You see a new area that will allow you to change the name of the Home Screen button.  Usually this is a pretty good name by default, but you have the option to change it.  Then touch 'Add'.  

There is your new Home Screen 'app'.  

It is also awesome for Google Forms!  Open your form up in Safari (if your iPad struggles a bit like mine, use the Google Drive app to open it in Safari).

Follow the same steps as above, touching the square with the up arrow and 'Add to Home Screen'.

Change the name if you would like.  

Then enjoy your new button!

I can see this being wonderful for those of you that use google forms for classroom quizzes.  Simply make each separate quiz its own button, then drop all of the quizzes in their own folder.  Then, as students are ready to take the quizzes (whether it is after reading chapters after a book, or completing quizzes after math lessons), they go in the iPad 'folder', take the quiz and turn it in.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

SLANTBox...a month later...

Hi all!  I know there has been some radio silence on my end for a few weeks, and I apologize for that. Life is busy and tough and there has been a lot going on.  But I'm back now and I want to share what I got in my SlantBox from the fabulous Katie at The Pawsitive Pencil!  If you haven't checked out her blog, it is super cute!

First, look how cute this note is:

I love the font, and how she took the time to really get to know me:)  I also love how she individually wrapped everything in the box - how cute! 

I'm a scrapbooker, so this pack of beautiful papers will make some really cute notecards or cute accents on pages:)

Look at these cute stickers and Sharpie markers- who doesn't love sharpies?  And the Crayola tin is awesome!  I'm sure I will be using it for a long time!

These cute tissues - almost too cute to use:)

This story is so wonderful, and sad.  I'm reading it with my son. 

The math teacher in me loves these socks!  And, they are great to wear with boots!  What a plus!

Katie, thanks so much for being an awesome SlantBox partner!  I love everything!!!  And Jameson, thanks for organizing this - I can't imagine how much work it is!!!

Soon I will have another post because I've been nominated for the Liebster award (thanks Jasmine!).  

Thursday, October 2, 2014


I'm so excited that October is here!  It is my favorite month!  Maybe it is because the weather is getting cooler, so I can wear my boots and sweaters again.  Maybe it is because the trees are changing color.  Or maybe it is because my son and I celebrate our birthdays (and have an awesome party of course!).  But since it is October, that means it is time for another currently!

I always like to drink a cup of coffee and listen to the news early in the morning.  But my dog has a skin condition that flares up in the fall and in the spring.  I'm going to the pet store later today to see if I can get something for him...poor thing!

Fall is by far my favorite season, and I just love the cooler weather, boots, and camp fires (we may or may not have sat by the fire last night and made smores :-)

It is so easy to get caught up with all of the bad things in life, because let's face it, there is a lot of bad stuff that happens.  But there are also so many good things, big and small, that happen on a daily basis.  So I'm going to start a journal and write things I am grateful for on a daily basis.  I think it will help reframe my thinking, and be a positive step in the right direction.

I'm wanting the weekend to arrive.  This has been a terrible week for my family, and I'm just thankful the weekend is close, and we can finally relax and be together.

Since I've been out of town for a week, I have several errands to run - the bank, the post office, grocery store.  Oh yeah, and the house needs to be cleaned too!

Treat - Have you checked out the dollar tree for decorations or small student gifts?  There is so much stuff in there (and everything is only $1!!).  If I still had my classroom, I would definitely buy some decorations, and maybe some gifts (I know some students don't celebrate Halloween, but everyone appreciates a cute gift!).