Thursday, October 2, 2014


I'm so excited that October is here!  It is my favorite month!  Maybe it is because the weather is getting cooler, so I can wear my boots and sweaters again.  Maybe it is because the trees are changing color.  Or maybe it is because my son and I celebrate our birthdays (and have an awesome party of course!).  But since it is October, that means it is time for another currently!

I always like to drink a cup of coffee and listen to the news early in the morning.  But my dog has a skin condition that flares up in the fall and in the spring.  I'm going to the pet store later today to see if I can get something for him...poor thing!

Fall is by far my favorite season, and I just love the cooler weather, boots, and camp fires (we may or may not have sat by the fire last night and made smores :-)

It is so easy to get caught up with all of the bad things in life, because let's face it, there is a lot of bad stuff that happens.  But there are also so many good things, big and small, that happen on a daily basis.  So I'm going to start a journal and write things I am grateful for on a daily basis.  I think it will help reframe my thinking, and be a positive step in the right direction.

I'm wanting the weekend to arrive.  This has been a terrible week for my family, and I'm just thankful the weekend is close, and we can finally relax and be together.

Since I've been out of town for a week, I have several errands to run - the bank, the post office, grocery store.  Oh yeah, and the house needs to be cleaned too!

Treat - Have you checked out the dollar tree for decorations or small student gifts?  There is so much stuff in there (and everything is only $1!!).  If I still had my classroom, I would definitely buy some decorations, and maybe some gifts (I know some students don't celebrate Halloween, but everyone appreciates a cute gift!).


  1. Sorry that your family had a bad week- enjoy the weekend and regroup. I too need to start a Thankful journal because it is easy to lose sight of all the good things that we have. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great October!

  2. Great idea about starting a journal about all the good things that happen! I'm thinking that I need to do that with my students or something that turns their minds toward good things!

    What I Have Learned

  3. I heard someone somewhere does a THANKFUL jar! Each day write one thing you & each person in the house is THANKFUL for & one month later, read 1 per day, maybe at dinner, or whenever YOU are ALL together...I thought that would be FUN! Good LUCK! Wendy 1stgradefireworks 1stgradefireworks

  4. I absolutely LOVE the Dollar Tree!! I would say the majority of my classroom baskets and little trinkets for reading are from there. It's always a "treat" heading in there. Thanks for sharing and great idea about journaling the positives in life. ;)
    Literacy Loving Gals

  5. Hey, I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award that goes to blogs that have less than 200 followers and also that have great potential and content. Here are the instructions:
    Liebster Award Nomination

    Jasmine H.
    The Dots of Teaching
